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How to Host DOTNET site in IIS

what is IIS?

IIS, or Internet Information Services, is a web server software developed by Microsoft for hosting and serving web applications and websites. It is an integral part of the Windows Server operating system and is widely used for deploying and managing web-based applications on the Microsoft platform.

Key features of IIS include:

Web Server Functionality: IIS serves as a powerful web server, handling HTTP and HTTPS requests. It supports various web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and different server-side scripting languages like ASP.NET.

Application Hosting: IIS is designed to host and manage web applications and services built on the Microsoft technology stack, such as ASP.NET, .NET Core, and PHP. It also supports classic ASP (Active Server Pages).

Security: IIS provides robust security features, including authentication, authorization, and SSL/TLS support for encrypting data in transit. It allows administrators to control access to websites and applications based on user roles and permissions.

Scalability: IIS is scalable and can handle a large number of concurrent connections. It supports load balancing and can be configured to distribute incoming requests across multiple servers for improved performance and reliability.

Management Tools: IIS comes with a user-friendly management interface, known as IIS Manager, which allows administrators to configure and manage web server settings, applications, and security features. It also supports remote administration.

Logging and Monitoring: IIS generates logs that provide detailed information about web server activity, helping administrators troubleshoot issues and analyze performance. Additionally, administrators can use performance monitoring tools to track server metrics.

Extensibility: IIS is extensible and supports the integration of various modules and extensions. This allows developers and administrators to add custom functionality, such as URL rewriting, compression, and caching.

FTP Server: In addition to its web server capabilities, IIS includes a built-in FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server, allowing users to transfer files to and from the server.

IIS is a versatile and widely used web server that caters to a broad range of web hosting needs, from simple static websites to complex dynamic web applications. It is a crucial component for organizations leveraging Microsoft technologies in their web development and hosting environments.

Hosting a .NET site in Internet Information Services (IIS) – Introduction:

Hosting a .NET site in Internet Information Services (IIS) is a crucial step in deploying web applications built on the .NET framework. IIS provides a robust and scalable platform for hosting, managing, and securing web applications. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of hosting a .NET site in IIS.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Host a .NET Site in IIS:

Step 1: Install IIS on the Server:

Before hosting a .NET site in IIS, ensure that IIS is installed on the server. You can install IIS through the Windows Features menu. Go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Turn Windows features on or off, and then select Internet Information Services.

Step 2: Install the Appropriate .NET Runtime:

Ensure that the server has the correct version of the .NET runtime installed to support your .NET application. You can download and install the necessary runtime from the official Microsoft website.

Step 3: Publish the .NET Application:

Publish your .NET application using Visual Studio or the command line. This process generates the necessary files for deployment. Choose the appropriate publish settings, including the target framework and deployment configuration.

Step 4: Create a New IIS Site:

Open the IIS Manager and create a new site for your .NET application. Right-click on “Sites” and choose “Add Website.” Enter a unique site name, set the physical path to the location where you published your .NET application, and assign a port number and host name if necessary.

Step 5: Configure Application Pool:

Create a new application pool or use an existing one for your .NET site. Ensure that the application pool is configured to use the correct version of the .NET runtime and is set up with the necessary permissions.

Step 6: Adjust Security Settings:

Review and adjust the security settings for your site. Configure authentication, authorization, and SSL settings based on your application’s requirements. Ensure that the necessary permissions are granted to the application pool identity.

Step 7: Test Your Site:

After configuring IIS, test your .NET site by navigating to the specified URL in a web browser. Ensure that all pages and functionalities work as expected. Monitor the IIS logs for any errors or issues.

Step 8: Monitor and Maintain:

Regularly monitor the performance of your .NET site in IIS. Use tools like Performance Monitor to analyze server metrics and address any performance bottlenecks. Keep the server and IIS components up to date with the latest security patches and updates.


Hosting a .NET site in IIS involves several essential steps, from installing IIS and the correct .NET runtime to configuring application pools and security settings. Following this step-by-step guide will help you successfully deploy and manage your .NET web application in a secure and scalable environment.

Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core

Building Modular and Testable Applications with Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core


A key component of developing ASP.NET Core applications that encourages modularity, maintainability, and testability is dependency injection, or DI. In this post, we’ll examine the foundations of dependency injection in ASP.NET Core, as well as its advantages and practical uses for developing organized and expandable applications.

Understanding Dependency Injection:

Dependency injection is a design pattern that assists in the management of dependencies among various components in a software system. It refers to the technique of supplying the objects that a class requires (its dependencies) from outside rather than creating them within the class itself in the context of ASP.NET Core. This method makes classes more modular and testable.

Benefits of Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core:
1. Modular Code: By injecting dependencies into classes, each class can concentrate on its own functionality without being tethered to the implementation details of its dependencies. As a result, the code becomes more modular and maintainable.
2. Testability: Dependency injection makes unit testing easier by allowing developers to replace real implementations of dependencies with mock or test implementations. This facilitates the isolation and testing of individual components.
3. Extensibility: It is easier to extend an application’s functionality with dependency injection by introducing new components or swapping out existing ones. This is especially useful when evolving and scaling an application.
Implementing Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core:
1. Service Registration:

Services in ASP.NET Core are registered at application startup in the dependency injection container. Services can be added to the container via the ‘ConfigureServices’ method in the ‘Startup’ class.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


    services.AddTransient<IMyService, MyService>();

    // Add more services...


‘IMyService’ is the interface in this example, and ‘MyService’ is the matching implementation. ‘Transient’ means that each time a request is made, a new instance of ‘MyService’ is created.

2. Constructor Injection:

Use the constructor of a class to inject dependencies into it. The necessary dependencies are automatically provided by the DI container when a class instance is created.

public class MyController : Controller


    private readonly IMyService _myService;

    public MyController(IMyService myService)


        _myService = myService;


    // Controller actions...


3. Using Dependency Injection in Middleware:

Dependency injection can also help middleware components in the ASP.NET Core request processing pipeline. The ‘Invoke’ method can have services injected into it.

public class MyMiddleware


    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;

    private readonly IMyService _myService;

    public MyMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IMyService myService)


        _next = next;

        _myService = myService;


    public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)


        // Use _myService...

await _next(context);



Scopes and Lifetimes of Services:

Several service lifetimes, such as ‘Transient’, ‘Scoped’, and ‘Singleton’, are supported by ASP.NET Core. Managing the lifespan of service instances requires an understanding of these lifetimes.

1. Transient: Whenever an instance is requested, a new one is created.
2. Scoped: Each request generates a single instance. Within the parameters of an HTTP request, it is shared.
3. Singleton: For the duration of the application, only one instance is created.
Best Practices for Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core:

1. Choose Constructor Injection: For improved readability and maintainability, inject dependencies via the constructor.

2. Employ Interfaces: Write code that checks against interfaces as opposed to specific implementations. This encourages testability and flexibility.

3. Avoid the Service Location Anti-Pattern: Avoid the ‘ServiceLocator’ pattern, which involves retrieving services directly from the container within a class.

4. Register Services as Interfaces: When registering services, use interfaces rather than concrete implementations.

services.AddTransient<IMyService, MyService>();


Dependency injection is a powerful design pattern that improves the design, testability, and maintainability of ASP.NET Core applications significantly. Developers can create modular, extensible, and testable applications by leveraging the built-in dependency injection container. Understanding dependency injection principles is critical for developing robust and scalable ASP.NET Core applications.

Database Access in ASP.NET Core using Entity Framework Core


Many web applications depend on database access, which is made easier and more efficient in ASP.NET Core by Entity Framework Core (EF Core). In this post, we’ll examine the foundations of Entity Framework Core and how ASP.NET Core applications can use it to achieve effective and adaptable database access.

Overview of Entity Framework Core:

Entity Framework Core is an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework that enables.NET objects to be used by developers to communicate with databases. Instead of working directly with SQL queries, it allows developers to work with databases using a high-level, object-oriented API.

Entity Framework Core’s key features include:

Model-First Approach: Use C# classes to define your data model, and EF Core will create the corresponding database schema.

LINQ Support: When querying databases, use Language-Integrated Query (LINQ), which makes it easier to express database queries in C# syntax.

Database Migrations: EF Core supports database migrations, allowing for simple schema changes and updates as your application evolves.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: EF Core is designed to work with various database providers, giving you the option of using SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, and others.

Setting Up Entity Framework Core in ASP.NET Core:

Install the NuGet package for Entity Framework Core:

Install the NuGet package Entity Framework Core in your ASP.NET Core project:

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

Configure Database Provider: Select a database provider (for example, SQL Server) and install the appropriate provider package:

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

Configure the database provider using the ConfigureServices method in your Startup.cs file:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


    services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>



Create DbContext:

Make a class that derives from DbContext in order to create DbContext. This class defines DbSet properties for every entity and represents the database context.

public class ApplicationDbContext : DbContext


    public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }

    // Add more DbSet properties for other entities


Configuring the Connection String: Open the appsettings.json file and set the database connection string there.


  "ConnectionStrings": {

    "DefaultConnection": "YourConnectionString"


  // Other configurations...


Working with Entities and DbContext:

Defining Entities:

Make classes in C# that correspond to your entities. EF Core will map to database tables using these classes.

public class User


    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string UserName { get; set; }

    public string Email { get; set; }

    // Other properties...


CRUD Operations:

In your application code or controllers, use the DbContext to perform CRUD operations:

public class UserController : ControllerBase


    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public UserController(ApplicationDbContext context)


        _context = context;



    public ActionResult<IEnumerable<User>> GetUsers()


        return _context.Users.ToList();



    public ActionResult<User> AddUser([FromBody] User newUser)




        return newUser;


    // Implement other CRUD operations (Update, Delete) as needed...


Database Migrations:

With EF Core, you can use migrations to change the structure of your database. To create and implement migrations, execute the following commands:

dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate

dotnet ef database update

To establish the initial database schema and implement the modifications, these commands produce SQL scripts.


Entity Framework Core offers a strong and adaptable ORM framework while streamlining database access in ASP.NET Core. Without requiring in-depth SQL knowledge, developers can effectively interact with databases by defining entities, setting up a DbContext, and using LINQ for querying. EF Core provides a dependable and efficient method for database access in ASP.NET Core, regardless of the size of your project—from a small application to a large enterprise system.



MVC framework in ASP.NET

Introduction to MVC (Model-View-Controller) in ASP.NET:

MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a common architectural paradigm for constructing online applications in ASP.NET. It provides a structured and organized approach to web application development by dividing the application into three interconnected components: the Model, the View, and the Controller. This separation of concerns makes the codebase easier to manage and maintain, promotes code reusability, and improves overall application adaptability.

Let’s take a closer look at each component:

Model: The Model represents the data and business logic of the application. It contains the data on which your application runs as well as the rules that govern that data. It is in charge of retrieving and storing data from a database or other data sources, as well as carrying out data-related tasks.

View: The View is in charge of rendering the user interface and displaying data to the user. Views in an ASP.NET MVC application are normally built in HTML, but they can also contain embedded code (Razor syntax) to show dynamic content. Views are retained as independent files, making the display layer easier to handle.

Controller: The Controller functions as a go-between for the Model and the View. It processes user requests, interacts with the Model to retrieve or change data, and then selects the appropriate View to show the response to the user. It contains the application’s logic for handling HTTP requests and is the starting point for the majority of user interactions.

Main advantages and characteristics of ASP.NET MVC use:

Separation of Concerns: MVC requires a distinct division of responsibilities, which facilitates application understanding, maintenance, and expansion. Developers are able to work independently on various components because to this separation.

Reusability: MVC improves code reusability and reduces redundancy by allowing models, views, and controllers to be often reused in other application components.

Testability: MVC allows for independent unit testing of each component, which improves code quality and facilitates more effective debugging.

Flexibility: MVC enables developers to add to and modify some areas of the program without compromising the functionality of the other sections. It is now simpler to adjust to evolving needs as a result.

Support for Multiple View Engines: ASP.NET MVC offers flexibility in how you render your views by supporting a number of view engines, such as Razor and Web Forms.


Usually, you use one of the MVC project templates to create a project in Visual Studio to begin working with MVC in ASP.NET. Models, views, and controllers are all built up in the fundamental framework of your application by using these templates. After that, you may construct on top of this base by defining your views for data display, writing controller actions for user requests, and defining your data models.

In conclusion, MVC is an effective architectural pattern that encourages the creation of web applications in ASP.NET using an organized methodology. Because of its many benefits for code organization, maintainability, and testability, it is a well-liked option among developers creating ASP.NET web applications.

Learn ASP.NET Online

Introduction to ASP.NET

Microsoft created ASP.NET, which stands for Active Server Pages.NET. Thousands of organizations have utilized Microsoft ASP.NET to construct sophisticated, dynamic websites. It is a strong tool for programmers and developers that work on the development of rich and dynamic web apps and websites. ASP.NET is a Microsoft.NET Framework feature that is not limited to script languages; it may also be used by programmers. Microsoft’s Active Server Page was developed in response to the growing need for dynamic webpages.

It includes a Feature library with various ready-to-use methods and web controls for building applications from the ground up. Microsoft often modifies it to stay current with trends. ASP.NET is well-known for its advantages over alternative online development models, in addition to being a pioneering platform. It benefits both the organizations that use it and the developers who take ASP.NET classes.

In the fast-paced world of software development, knowing the most recent technologies and frameworks is critical. NET is one such technology that has seen enormous progress throughout time. As businesses strive to digitize their processes, the demand for knowledgeable.NET developers has skyrocketed. There are numerous online.NET courses available to meet this need and equip potential developers. The article explores into the area of online.NET courses, underlining their benefits, important components, and potential to boost your career.


Professionals with ASP.NET expertise benefit from things like:

capable to develop applications with ASP.NET.

Thanks to its complementary design and extensive toolkit, the ASP.NET framework provides wonderful features like drag-and-drop server controls and automated deployment, among others.

less time is spent coding and more time is spent creating large online apps.

The combination of HTML and source code makes it easy to construct and maintain websites.

Find lucrative career opportunities as a developer.

Spend less time and effort writing extra code for complex and large-scale applications to save down on development costs.

All students and freshmen interested in using the Microsoft platform to create modern desktop, web, and service-oriented applications are encouraged to take this course.


Pros of Online.NET Courses

The following are advantages for students taking online.NET classes:

Flexibility: With online courses, you may customize your education to fit your schedule and establish your own pace for learning.

Accessibility: No matter where you live in the world, you can access excellent.NET classes.

Interaction: A typical component of online platforms is discussion boards, which allow students to interact with teachers and peers and foster a collaborative learning environment.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Since respectable online courses offer a wide range of.NET topics, you can be confident that you’ll obtain a well-rounded education.

Practical Experience: A lot of courses incorporate practical activities and projects that let you put theory into practice in real-world settings.

All students and freshmen interested in using the Microsoft platform to create modern desktop, web, and service-oriented applications are encouraged to take this course.

To enroll in this course, there are no prerequisites.


Why should I study ASP.NET at Maria Academy (Marz Technologies)?

With more than five years of experience, we have taught ASP.NET online to students all around the world. We have also conducted online training courses in  India and other nations. Our knowledgeable instructors will walk you through the process of creating and launching a dynamic website using the ASP.NET tools.

For beginners and intermediate developers, this course module offers practical experience covering everything from installing and setting up Visual Studio for Web and SQL Server Express to creating web form pages.

You will learn about C# programming, advanced C# ideas, OOPs concepts, database design with SQL Server,.NET and.NET Core, and other subjects.

In addition, you will learn how to establish a live project from Microsoft MVPs and Technical Consultants, as well as how to use Visual Studio 2019 for.NET programming.

We provide a variety of training options, such as corporate training, one-on-one training, and live instruction.


Our Fundamental Course Module:

Introduction to .NET Framework and its Architecture

C# Language Fundamentals

Microsoft SQL Server

Creating ASP.NET Pages

Programming in ASP.NET

ASP.NET MVC training


ASP.NET Core – Introduction

ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source platform for creating high-performance online applications. It was meant to be lightweight, modular, and highly scalable, making it a popular choice for developers looking to construct online applications rapidly and effectively. In this post, we’ll look at ASP.NET Core and why it’s such a popular choice for developing online apps.

As the successor to the ASP.NET framework, ASP.NET Core was originally published in 2016. One of the key aims of ASP.NET Core was to build a cross-platform framework that could operate on Windows, Linux, and macOS. This was accomplished by building ASP.NET Core as a modular system, with various components that could be added or deleted as needed.

One of the most important characteristics of ASP.NET Core is its ability to operate on many platforms. The usage of.NET Core, a cross-platform version of the.NET runtime, enables this. This implies that developers may create web applications with the same codebase and run them on multiple operating platforms without changing anything.

Support for current web development approaches is another aspect of ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET Core has support for major client-side frameworks including Angular, React, and Vue. This enables developers to design complex, responsive web apps that deliver an excellent user experience.

ASP.NET Core also provides outstanding speed and scalability. The framework is intended to be quick and efficient, with low memory utilisation and quick startup times. It also has caching and load balancing features, making it simple to expand web applications to meet huge traffic.

ASP.NET Core includes a large ecosystem of tools and frameworks in addition to these functionalities. This includes Microsoft Visual Studio, a popular IDE for developing web applications, as well as a variety of open-source modules for everything from authentication to database access.

Overall, ASP.NET Core provides a strong framework for developing contemporary online apps. It is a popular choice among developers because to its support for cross-platform development, current web development methods, and good performance and scalability. If you want to develop online apps fast and effectively, ASP.NET Core is a great option.

Advantages on ASP.NET Core:

ASP.NET Core is a cutting-edge, cross-platform web development framework that has several benefits over other web development frameworks. In this post, we’ll look at some of the primary benefits of developing websites using ASP.NET Core.

Open-Source and Community-Driven:

ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework with a big and active development community. This implies that there are several libraries and tools available to assist developers in creating more efficient web apps. It also implies that there is an abundance of community assistance, such as online forums, blogs, and tutorials.

Cross-Platform Support:

One of the most significant advantages of ASP.NET Core is its ability to operate on different platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. The usage of.NET Core, a cross-platform version of the.NET runtime, enables this. This enables developers to create web applications with the same codebase and run them on multiple operating systems with no modifications.

High Performance:

ASP.NET Core is intended to be quick and efficient, with low memory utilisation and quick startup times. It has a lightweight and modular design, allowing for increased performance and scalability. This makes it a good choice for developing online apps that must manage large traffic and respond quickly.

Modern Web Development Practices:

Modern web development approaches, such as client-side frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue, are embedded into ASP.NET Core. This enables developers to design responsive and dynamic web apps that deliver an excellent user experience. Tag helpers, which ease the process of creating HTML forms, and middleware, which provides a flexible and composable approach to handle requests, are also included in ASP.NET Core.


ASP.NET Core has a number of security capabilities that aid in the protection of online applications against typical threats like as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Built-in HTTPS support and the ability to encrypt sensitive data are among these features. It also contains login and authorisation tools that make controlling access to various portions of a web application simple.

In conclusion, ASP.NET Core provides several benefits for online development, including cross-platform compatibility, high performance, current web development standards, security features, and an active and friendly community. If you want to create contemporary, high-performance online apps, ASP.NET Core is a great option.